
Pastoral Council

The Parish Council serves as a consultant to the pastor by investigating, reflecting on, visioning, and making recommendations about pastoral concerns. Our goal is to support our parish's current and future ministries, thus enabling the Church of the Ascension to continue our mission to Proclaim the Gospel, Celebrate the Eucharist, and Serve the Community. 

As representatives of our parishioners, we prayerfully reflect and advise on the community's needs and the parish's purpose in light of the mission and vision of the Church of the Ascension, the Diocese of Richmond, and the greater Catholic Church. 

Finally, the parish council continuously develops and articulates a deep and mature understanding of the identity and purpose of the parish. It reflects the unique personality of the parish as it evolves, using the parish's mission statement as our foundation.

You can contact the Pastoral Council Chair via email.

Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Did you know that anyone is welcome to attend a Pastoral Council? If you have a specific topic that needs to be addressed, please get in touch with the parish chair at least one week before the meeting to be added to the agenda. Pastoral Council meetings are usually on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (no meeting in August). 

Pastoral Plan

The Pastoral Plan (Strategic Plan) is a three-year living document to help guide the future of our parish with our Mission to Proclaim the Word of God, Celebrate the Eucharist, and Serve the local community.

Please click the links below to review the documents:

Pastoral Plan Summary 2021-2024 Pastoral Plan full document - July 1, 2021-2024

Parish Council

Pastor: Daniel Malingumu

Parish Council Members:

  • Jon Szewczak (Chair)
  • Pauline Thomas(Vice-Chair)
  • Travis Hayes (Secretary)
  • Chad Cooper
  • Desmond Coughlin
  • Ray Duffy
  • Joanne Favre
  • Paul Flanagan
  • Kathy Hevey
  • Leda Kati
  • Chris Krueger
  • Thomas Rere
  • John Rooney
  • I'Redrain Thomas

Advisors and Ministry Heads:

  • Deacon Tom McFeely
  • Deacon Gary Harmeyer
  • Deacon Myles Pocta
  • Deacon Jim Ahearn
  • Teresa Alfes (Social Jsutice)
  • Jim Fowler & Bridgett Passauer (Community Life)
  • Janet Jones (Faith Formation)
  • Lisa Liedl (Finance and Operations)
  • Diane Nestor(Liturgy)
  • Ron Vessel (Strategic Planning sub-committee)
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