Step 1
Sign-up and complete the BELONGING Baptismal Preparation Course
- Belonging is an online course that can be done at your convenience! Parents can access the course here: Belonging Online course. Once you have paid ($10 fee) and created a login you have access to the videos to watch when you can.
- At the end of watching the videos, you will receive a course completion certificate. Please think about 1-2 things you learned or reinforced something you already knew from watching the video.
- Email the certificate and the 1-2 things you learned to Janet Jones.
- If the $10 cost for online access is prohibitive - please contact Janet Jones.
- Once you have completed the course, and I have the certificate and your response to the question, we will move forward with scheduling the Baptism.
Step 2
Select your Godparents
The first biggest decision is making the commitment to have your child baptized and to bring them up in our Catholic faith. The second biggest decision is to select a godparent. Their role, as godparent, is to help you guide, support and mentor your child as he/she grows in our Catholic faith.
Watch this video as Father Mike Schmitz explains the role of godparents
Here are the established norms and expectations in choosing a godparent:
- There must be one godparent but you may have two; if two, one must be male and one must be female
- One godparent must be actively living their Catholic faith and meet the criteria as explained below:
- Is at least 16 years old.
- Has been Baptized and Confirmed and receives Holy Communion.
- Free from any impediments that prevent them from actively participating in the sacraments. The most common example of an impediment is if he/she is married outside the Catholic Church (in another faith or civilly). If married, they must have been married in the Catholic Church.
- Attending a Baptismal preparation session like Belonging is not required, but it is highly encouraged.
- On the day of the Baptism they will fill out and sign a Sponsor/Godparent Attestation form. Click here for a sample of the form.
- The second godparent:
- Can be another Catholic in good standing who meets the criteria above OR
- A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic church. They would be a Christian witness.
- But they cannot be a Catholic who no longer practices in the Catholic faith even if they are practicing their Christian faith elsewhere.
Step 3
Schedule your child’s Baptism.
After you have completed the Belongings course and I have the response to the question, I will email you the Baptism application and we will decide on a date. Beginning in May, 2023, Baptisms will be celebrated during the Sunday Mass on the 2nd Sunday of the month. We will only celebrate Baptisms at the Mass when Father Daniel is the celebrant. So the choice of Mass will vary.
As you fill out the application, it asks for the "Catholic Parish of the Parents". If you are registered at another parish you will need to obtain permission from that parish to have your child baptized at Church of the Ascension. If you are not regsitered anywhere, we invite you to register at Ascension. To register as a parishioner, you can pick up a form at the registration desk, at the Parish Office, or visit our Welcome page to begin the registration process and sign up for parish email.
Step 4
Celebrate the Baptism!
On the day of the Baptism, you will need to bring a separate white garment, such as a bib, stole, or hat that will be placed on the child during the celebration.
You will also need to bring a candle - a pillar or taper. This is lit during the celebration. We have Baptismal candles available and can provide one on the day of the Baptism.
Step 5
Registration at Church of the Ascension.
FOR BAPTISM AT CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, registration as a member is optional and not required. However, part of having your child baptized is BELONGING to a parish where you child and your family can live out your faith.
FOR BAPTISM AT ANOTHER PARISH: Parents/Godparents, if the parish at which the child to be baptized requires a Letter of Good Standing from the pastor, it is necessary that you attend Baptism Preparation and be an active, registered member of Church of the Ascension.
To register as a parishioner at Church of the Ascension, you can pick up a form at the registration desk, at the Parish Office, or visit our Welcome page to begin the registration process and sign up for parish email.
All are welcome!