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Welcome to Church of the Ascension and our Spirit-filled community of faith! Thank you for visiting our website today.

If you are local to the area, we encourage and invite you to visit our parish and consider becoming a registered member of our church family. If you are traveling through our region, we invite you to join us for Mass any time you are in Virginia Beach. View our Mass schedule here.

Sharing our gifts in the many and various ministries and organizations of the parish is an important way to live out our faith through Word, Worship, Community, and Service. You will find many ways to deepen and share your faith through the life of the parish.

If you are a returning Catholic after an extended time away from the Church, or if you wish to become Catholic, we offer programs to help you on your faith journey. Read more here, or call our Faith Formation office at 495-1886 x423.

We pray that you will find Ascension a most welcoming and nourishing home. If I can assist and support you in any way, do not hesitate to contact me.

Again, a most sincere welcome.

Your brother in Christ, 
Rev. Daniel Malingumu, Pastor


Parish Registration

After submitting the above form, you will be contacted to complete your registration.

Contact us for additional assistance or information.

Thank you for visiting, and welcome to our Ascension family!

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