Meetings begin Wednesday, September 25 or Sunday, September 29
Sundays meet 9:25am – 10:20am THE SUNDAY SESSION IS NOW FULL
See below for information about First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion preparation.
The family gathers once per month for prayer, breaking open the Word, and an age-appropriate lesson.
Two options for teaching the children beyond the monthly meetings:
Educational resources
We are committed to helping you succeed in bringing faith formation into your home!
Time needed to complete core material is about 20 minutes; recommended additional learning and activities will take longer.
The Curriculums include easy-to-follow lesson plans
Links to At-Home Guides:
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Preparation
Sacrament preparation classes are in addition to Faith Formation classes.
Students must be enrolled in both!
Students in 2nd grade and older are eligible to prepare for and receive First Holy Communion and Reconciliation.
Preparation classes begin in January 2025. An adult is required to attend preparation classes with the child. The schedule of meetings will be available soon.
Registration Fee
Our fee is based on the number of children per family being registered in all of our PK-HS programs:
If, for whatever reason, you are unable to afford the fee, please email Janet Jones or call 495-1886 ext. 423
Thank you!
Learn about our Faith Formation programs:
New to Ascension's Faith Formation? Download our fact sheet for more information.