
First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion

Sacraments are a vital part of our Catholic faith. They are external signs that make real to us the invisible reality of God's grace.

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

Our sacramental programs are based on these principles:

  • Parents are the primary teachers of their children.
  • Sacraments are gifts of grace.
  • Sacramental catechesis can help invigorate the faith participation of families.
  • All learning of faith seeks to draw persons into deeper communion with Christ and his Church.
    As such, we partner with parents and families to prepare for the celebration of the sacraments. 

Children eligible to begin First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion sacramental preparation must be:

  • Baptized*
  • At least 7 years old
  • Enrolled in Religious Formation classes as well as Sacramental Preparation Classes
  • Attend Saturday half-day retreat prior to celebration of sacrament

Parent(s): Must attend 5 parent meetings offered during Religious Formation timeframes

Visit our Family Faith Formation page to learn more about our Faith Formation programs.

* Proof of Baptism is required. If your child is 7 years old or older and has not celebrated the sacrament of Baptism, additional formation will be necessary to prepare child to celebrate both Baptism and First Holy Communion.  Please email Janet Jones or call 757-495-1886 x423.

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