
Community Life Ministries

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Community Life ministries help our parishioners to connect, interact, build friendships, and pray together, and also foster a welcoming environment for all who enter our parish doors.

Virtus training is desired for all volunteers and is required by many ministries. For more information, email Jim Fowler (Community Life Department Head) or call Janet at 495-1886 x423 (Safe Environments Coordinator).

We hope you join us!

Coffee Bar Hospitality: Volunteers are needed to help set up and clean up the coffee bar before/after Masses on the weekends. Email Jim Fowler or phone 497-1040

Disability Parish Advocate: This ministry supports the Diocesan Office for and with persons with disabilities. Contact Angela Kahler at 409-2122

DivorceCare for the Divorced or Separated: Seminars offered throughout the year utilizing a structured program, workbooks, journals, and videos. Sunday evenings, 6:00pm - 8:00pm in the Conference Room (upstairs). Email Kathy Ahearn or visit our DivorceCare page.

Funeral Service Set-up: Our parish hosts a variety of events during any given week. Before a scheduled funeral service, preparations are made to make the commons and sanctuary presentable for this solemn service. This ministry requires individuals with flexibility in their schedules. Funerals are usually scheduled three to seven days after a death, and the timing is dependent upon the wishes of the family, availability of the church, and the schedule of the presider. Volunteers for this ministry would arrive about two hours prior to the time of the service to prepare the area and welcome visitors. Email Deacon Gary Harmeyer or phone 735-2227.

Funeral Ministry Follow-up: This start-up ministry supports our parishioners who recently suffered the loss of a loved one. Volunteers contact the family a few weeks to a month following the funeral for support and prayer. Email Deacon Gary Harmeyer or phone 735-2227.

GriefShare: For anyone experiencing the death of a loved one or family member. Walk your journey of grief with those who are on the same path as you. Seminars offered throughout the year utilizing a support group, workbook, and videos. A new GriefShare meeting at Ascension began March 22, 2022 and will run through June 14, 2022. Visit our GriefShare page for additional information.

Knights of Columbus: Mother Teresa of Calcutta Council #12117 was established on December 17, 1997. We are a fraternal organization of Catholic men whose ideals are based on the concepts of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. With a membership exceeding 75 Brother Knights, we perform volunteerism and conduct fundraising events to support local charities and organizations. With extremely active programs in the areas of Church, Family, Youth, Culture of Life, Community and Council, there is something for everyone! All men, ages 18 years old and up, who are practicing Catholics are eligible to join our Order. Email Lanny White or visit the Knights of Columbus website.

Ladies Auxiliary of The Mother Teresa of Calcutta Council: An organization of Christian and Catholic women, ages 18+, who support the Knights of Columbus in their activities and also provide spiritual and financial support to the needy, promote the principles of youth and family, and are actively involved in church and the community. Visit the Ladies Auxiliary webpage.

Legion of Mary: Organization to give glory to God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work. The Legion's priority is the spiritual and social welfare of each individual. Members participate in the life of the parish through visitation with families and the sick, and through collaboration in the mission of our parish. Meets Thursday mornings at 10:30am in the church Library. Contact Felicitas Navarro at 495-1375 or via email.

Ministry to the Sick: Provides Eucharist to those who are hospitalized or homebound. Virtus training is required. To arrange a visit, contact: Deacon Gary Harmeyer at 735-2227 or via email; Deacon Tom McFeely at 681-2005 or via email; Deacon Jim Ahearn at 353-7328 or via email; Steve Cyrs at757-635-7590 or via email.

- For parishioners hospitalized or needing a priest for anointing of the sick: Contact the Parish Office 495-1886, extension 410.

Hospitality/Welcoming: Perfect ministry those who enjoy meeting and greeting people to help them feel at home at Ascension. Greet people as they arrive for liturgy, register those who want to join the parish, and welcome newcomers by making phone or email contact to set up meetings with the family for a tour of the church. Newcomer handbooks with information packets are available for all newcomers. Contacts: Melinda Hughes at 818-4629 or via email; Sandy Raiter at 499-5775 or via email

Nursery: People who are willing to spend time in co-op Nursery to allow families with young children to attend liturgy on Sundays. Contact Pat Roberts at 419-1009 or via email.

Parish Nurse: Open to anyone working in the Health Care field who would like to assist in the ministry. Please contact Bridgett Passauer at for more information.

Parish Pastoral Council: Parish Council is an inclusive, prayerful, working advisory group that assists the pastor with defining the present and future needs of the parish. Each Council member endeavors to listen to parishioners and then faithfully present expressed concerns, ideas and questions to the Parish Council. The Council functions in an atmosphere of prayer and openness to the Holy Spirit in order to become and remain grounded in faith and responsive to the Church's mission. The Council gathers, holds retreats and orientation workshops annually, and hosts the Easter Vigil reception to welcome new members to the congregation. Virtus training is strongly encouraged for all Council members. Email Pastoral Council Chair, Julie Bressette.

Prayer Shawl MinistryA nationally established ministry for parishioners who knit or crochet shawls to be given to individuals in need of feeling God’s arms wrapped around them as they go through chemotherapy or dialysis treatment. The shawls express our compassion and the healing power of prayer to our parishioners going through this difficult time in their lives. The shawls are blessed before distribution: first to parishioners, but if there is not a need in our parish at the time, to patients at Sentara Princess Anne’s Chemo Center. If you do not knit or crochet but would like to donate yarn, that is also welcomed. For more information or to request a shawl, please contact Colleen Charlton at 467-6842 or Chris Krueger at 467-4986

Prayer Teams: Church of the Ascension's Prayer Team Ministry supports the spirit of the global Church's "New Evangelization" to bring the personal presence of Jesus to those in need. The Prayer Team Ministry members are available at weekend Masses at least one weekend each month. Prayer team members pray with people for intentions, large or small. The purpose of the Prayer Team Ministry is to assure individuals of God's love through simple, inviting, prayer, realizing that the Holy Spirit is the agent of peace, hope, and healing. Email Matt Hamrick for more information.

The Rainbows: For our more experienced parishioners of all ages! Serving our parish and each other by running bake sales, a craft booth at the Christmas Bazaar, and helping with food prep at the Easter Vigil and much more. We meet every Monday at 10:45 am. Business, social meetings, crafts, and lunch out once a month. Spiritual retreats during Lent and Advent. For men and women who are Forever Young! Contact Vic Gruning at 493-9193 or via email.

Scouting: Boy Scout troop 408 meets at the church. For troop information, email Jim Fowler. For general scouting information, visit Tidewater Council Boy Scouts of America.

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