“And behold, I am sending upon you the gift promised by my Father.
Therefore, stay here in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”
Luke 24:49
You are invited to pray and reflect on the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, our families, and our Ascension family as we walk together from the Feast of the Ascension to Pentecost, May 12-19!
See the schedule of events and activities below and join us as we explore the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and learn more about the power and gifts we’ve been given.
Come Holy Spirit! Fill us anew with your power, your life, and your joy! Pour out new and powerful blessings upon us and your Holy Church.
You are the breath that gave us life and the power within us. It is your presence that shapes and refines our understanding of who we are in Christ. Live fully in us! Think through us, live through us, love through us. Strengthen us where we are weak, and clothe us in your light. Continue to transform our lives and work in us and through us so others may come to know Christ.
Spirit Come! Ignite in us and your Church a fresh fire. We desire to be mighty instruments of your grace! AMEN!
Focus: Prayer
Focus: Healing
Invitation: Healing Prayer Service and Benediction at Ascension at 7pm
Please note: Anointing of the Sick is scheduled for Pentecost Sunday and will not be available this evening.
Focus: The Holy Spirit
Invitation: Watch the video
“Why Jesus Had to Leave; ACT III The Holy Spirit!”
Video link will be emailed to subscribers and added here on May 15
Focus: Gifts of the Holy Spirit Zoom Link
Use Passcode: wP040J+W
(Please note there was a delay in the start of the recording.)
Focus: Pentecost, Praise, Pizza, and Pancit
Invitation: Ascension family gathering in ACC for Worship, Dinner, and Prayer at 6:30pm
Registration is required by Wednesday, May 15 at 5pm!
Bridgett Passauer
Coordinator of Evangelization, Adult Faith Formation, and Community Life
757-495-1886 x415